2023 GOB Cardholders

All memberships are provisional and subject to whims of the Membership Committee.

The Sweetness
The Sweetness
Known for talking a much lower score than he shoots, nothing is off the table for The Sweetness. A self-proclaimed people person, The Sweetness will often refer to himself as a "Lyrical Gangster." Coming from Ohio, look for him in the left lane. And yes, he will sometimes roll in a 9-inch breaker and then talk about it for 3 days. In his own mind he is sponsored by Titleist and is followed on Instagram by Lexi Thompson.
TB Raw Score
TB Raw Score
It is impossible to accurately gauge the amount of time TB Raw Score puts into his golf swing. It is rumoured that he has an indoor driving range. He has acknowledged that the upstairs hallway is used as a putting surface. There are even some reports that, after his children left for college, he converted their bedrooms into sand traps. Needless to say, with his dominant performance in raw score in the 2021 season, he believes that the only true metric of ability is raw score. His critics are often heard saying, "Some of us have to work for a living."
DH Gold Tees
DH Gold Tees
He could be considered the elder statesman of the tour, if anyone showed any respect to anybody on the tour. By all rights, should be teeing off from the senior tees but the intense sarcasm from his fellow players keep him from going to his rightful tee box. Nevertheless he stays in the conversation by practicing the Eastern arts and riding like hell on his bike but never going anywhere. In addition to a full tour schedule, he chairs several committees of the GOB Association.
ML Guns Out
ML Guns Out
"Can’t you see the butterflies?" ML Guns Out is the visionary and spiritual leader of the tour. Players seek him out when it comes to the validity of Jennifer Aniston images. His wisdom and experience with respect to JA and JB (and really all the way through JZ!) is unparalleled on the tour. He is an introspective player. From time to time, fellow players will hear him become his own coach, a coach reminiscent of Bobby Knight with encouraging words like "That's why we can’t have nice things!" Indispensable on the tour, he is the conduit for the way of the playa and the inner and outer beauty of JA.
Geo Plebe
Geo Plebe
The oldest rookie that the tour has seen, Geo burst onto the scene in 2021 with two raw wins and three handicap wins. This long-hitter is a shoe-in for Rookie of the Year, not only because he is the only rookie but because… o.k., because he is the only rookie. Coming back from debilitating back issues, it has been an impressive inaugural campaign, only dimmed by the rampant rumours of his involvement of performancing enhancing meds. Much like the multitude of asthmatic professional bike riders, Geo contends that his prescriptions are specific and targeted. Sadly, his association with another tour member whose claims that his knees are 150 years old as an excuse to self-medicate casts a shadow on the accomplishments of this talented rookie. Will his records have an asterisk? Also, he gets a little whiny when he has to give strokes.
TW Tax Dollars
TW Tax Dollars
The newerest GOBA rookie, TW Tax Dollars has a rich history in working less and earning more. The youngest member of the association, his application essay wow-ed the committee with equal amounts of smart-ass-ness and disrespect. He was, in other words, everything GOBA looks for in a member. We know much less about him as a golfer, however (an indication how desperate GOBA is for members). What we do know is that he is long…long and left….long and right…long and over the green. And he dresses well, much better than any other tour member. GOBA appreciates a little class in its membership. Sadly there has been so little up to now. GOBA expects that TW Tax Dollars will raise the bar this year (while the rest of GOBA sits at the bar, as usual).