GOBA Trophies

All trophies are completely subject to whims of the trophyholder. Geez!

The Canister Cup
The Canister Cup
Holder: TB Raw Score
Acquired: 5/22/2022

He says "It's all about the raw!"

The History of the Canister Cup
The Canister Cup came into existence during the Great Expansion. During the early days of the pandemic in the absence of "The Spreadsheet", trophies were being made weekly to make golfers feel better about their game. Any excuse was good enough for the creation of yet another trophy. Thankfully, by the first summer of the pandemic, "The Spreadsheet" had resumed and the pace of trophy creation ground to a halt. The Canister Cup, unlike most of the trophies created during this time period, had actual rules associated with it for possession. On a given day or golf trip, the golfer with the lowest raw total takes possession of the trophy depositing a golf ball with the golfers name, the date, and total score. That is, of course, if the current holder remembers to bring along the trophy.
The Tennessee Open Trophy
The Tennessee Open Trophy
Holder: Geo Na
Acquired: 5/22/2022

Oh the irony! It's all about the handicap!

The History of the Tennessee Open Trophy
I don't really remember the creation of the Tennessee Open trophy. I remember Hooters and beer and steak and more beer and Hooters and beer and steak and more beer and some golf also. This is the only trophy that is appropriately named in that the original Tennessee Open was held in Tennessee. It is the oldest of the trophies and it is showing its age. Being age appropriate, this trophy is for handicap adjusted total. Has anyone seen his club?
The Midwest Open Championship Decanter
The Midwest Open Championship Decanter
Holder: Really???
Acquired: Every round!!!

All hail the Commish!

The History of the Midwest Open Championship Decanter
Silliest trophy created during the Great Expansion. Created without GOBA sanction and in the absence of a very important minority of GOBA members, the MOCD seems to have no rules associated with it which is par for the course considering its questionable origin. And another thing, as if any current member of the GOBA has even been to the midwest with the exception of DH Gold Tees who is eminently knowlegable about the midwest, having lived in the actual midwest! Anyhoo, it is lowest raw score for the day.
The Southern Midwest Open Championship Trophy
The Southern Midwest Open Championship
Holder: TB Raw Score
Acquired: 2/19/2022

After tanking for two days, TB goes low. Well played TB, well played!

The History of the Southern Midwest Open Championship Trophy
Who knows??? Just like several of the other silly trophies, it just appeared one day. Maybe it was found at a garage sale. Maybe someone left it on a tee box. Maybe it was stolen from a middle school golf tournament! We have it now. GOB! The way to acquire this handicap adjusted trophy is to have some really bad rounds to pump up that handicap and then have one good round. Silly, right!?!
The Birdie Bottle Trophy
The CA Birdie Bottle
Holder: Rotating
Acquired: All the time

I hear a lot of talk about who should have the trophy and who actually has it. I don't care!

The History of the CA Birdie Bottle Trophy
The CA Birdie Bottle Trophy encompasses all that is golf, i.e., the striving for excellence, drinking to celebrate our successes, and drinking to forget our many, many, many failures. The Birdie Bottle Trophy rose from weeds from which it was found to find a new life as a symbol of hope amid the despair that is the vast majority of golfer's games.
The Nothern Midwest Open Participation Trophy
The Nothern Midwest Open Participation Trophy
Holder: The Sweetness
Acquired: By special presentation.

'cause I'm a lyrical gangster.

The Nothern Midwest Open Participation Trophy
Like all trophies in the GOBA, they just show up. This one drove itself into the GOBA. It doesn't use much gas due to its tiny size. We believe it was manufactured in Colorado 'cause it's a VW minibus. If you peek into the minibus you can see little hippies smoking even smaller doobies and listening to the Dead on the really, really tiny AM radio. I'm embarrassed to say what this trophy is for. GOBA forever dude!